Nu har vi varit iväg på utställning igen...
Det var en lyckad 2 dagars utställning i Tvååker!
Här fredagens resultat...
Bir valp, 1 + Hp: Little Frogs Melini Sangiovese "Saga"
Bim valp, 1 + Hp: Little Frogs Marqués De Arienzo "Roy"
1:a m Ck, 1:a junior hane, 2 bhkl: Chaka Zulu Chief Of Skystaff Starbuck "Louie"
1:a m Hp, 1: a junior tik: Little Frogs Lambrusco Donelli "Gunnel"
1:a m Ck, 2:a öppen tik, 4btkl: Little Frogs Jindalee Shiraz "Siri"
"Günter" ställdes oxå ut men fick ett KEP eftersom domaren ansåg att han var halt vänster bak... (men det var nog bara hon som såg det...)
Saga: Another lovely type with super head. Good ears and eyes. Correct neck, topline and tailset. Excellent coat. Balanced through out. Moving well. Best puppy!!
Louie: Kritik kommer, följde med fodervärden hem
Günter: 39cm. Lovely head. Super type with good neck, topline, body and tailset. Good bone and totally balanced. However, limping on his backleg today. (!?!)
Gunnel: 40cm. Sweet bitch with good head. Lovely eyes and ear placement. Good topline and body. Nicely boned. Would like her with a little less leg. Moves well.
Siri: 35cm. Lovely type with super head, eye and ear placement. Well balanced through out. Good coat. Correct coupling. Moves extremely well!! =D
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