Rasspecialen i Gränna 2010
Sent om sides så kommer äntligen grodornas resultat... kritikerna försvann men har nu återfunnits
Härliga grodtältet som i allafall var störst!!
Underbar klockren bild på min underbara sambo 7st egna anmälda o. sedan var det ytterligare 5 små grodor på plats.
Hot Staff´s Qualified To Win "Günter" 2 ökl
Kritik: 39,5cm, Pied dog, attractive dog. Dark eyes giving good expression. Short in upperarm, needs more bend of stifle therefor movement somewhat stiffed. Level topline held on the move. Well conditioned. He is on the bully side of the breed.
Little Frogs Footsteps Merlot "Liam" 1 ökl, opl
Kritik: 37,5cm, Very sound, well put together dog. Straight well boned front. Nice head shape, dark enough eye. Good rear quarters with ample bend of stifle. Well balanced little dog! Who moved extremly well and would do even better if he was fitter
Mastino's Xpected Winner "Anita" 1 jkl, oplKritik: 38cm, Red & white. Nice size, good head, corr bite, good ears, round eye, good front & bone. Body ok, would like a couple of punds off to make a better pic. Good topline, good back end. Moved ok.
Just Staffmania Ambrosia Asti "Thilde" 3 uklKritik: 36cm, Mostly white, 18 months. Masculine, Correct head proportions, a little heavy in ear. Lacks underjaw. Well boned front, a little bossy on the shoulders. Over all a stronger type than I prefer. Moved ok
Little Frogs Melini Sangiovese "Saga" 1 ökl, opl
Kritik: 36cm, 2years black brindle bitch. Lovely head an expression. Neet ears, good under jaw. Clean in the front. Well boned, good feet, good balance and topline, good angulation. Moved well when settled
Little Frogs Lambrusco Donelli "Gunnel" 1 ökl, R ökk
Kritik: 38cm, 3 years old. White bitch. Well balanced, well proportion, attractive head, dark eye, neet ear, adekvat strength of muzzle. Prefer her a bit fitter with better definition
KBHV-02, Brovinder-02, SUCH, DKUCH, NUCH, NORDUCH, INTUCH Stora Kulltorps Sweet Little Frog "Maijken" 1 vkk, BIS VETERAN
Kritiken kommer blev kvar i Gränna...
deltagande små grodors resultat
Little Frogs Colonello Barolo "Cigge" 3 vkk
Little Frogs Maximo Tempranillo "Nemo" 1 ökl. opl
Little Frogs Palandri Shiraz "Stina" 1 ukl
Kritik: 37 cm, 16 months. Black brindle bitch, lovely head, a shade light eye. Straight, well boned. Good feet, level topline and moved well.
Little Frogs Quinta dos Roques "Algot" 2 jklLittle Frogs Querceto Chianti "Egon" 1 jkl, R jkkKritik: 42,5 cm, Red dog with white front, 12 months old typical head, good denture, well placed ears, level topline, good bend of stifle, could have moved out more positivly would allow to pace, could be somewhat fitter.
Little Frogs Quadratura Cerchio "Svante" 2 jklKritik: 41,5 cm, Red dog with white blaze, black mask. Correct bite, eyes match with the coat colour. Correct ear set, level topline. Angulation ok. 12 months old, could be somewhat fitter, little lethargic on the move
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