Då har vi varit i Malmö på utställning!
Domare var Natasa Blanusa, Kroatien
Hela 78 staffar inkl avelsgrupper var det anmälda!
Tyvärr blev det inga bilder tagna så ni får nöja er med en stämningsbild på Shira med matte!
Colliermans Fire N' Ice "Gordon" Excellent, 2 jkl m Ck opl bhkl
Domare var Natasa Blanusa, Kroatien
Hela 78 staffar inkl avelsgrupper var det anmälda!
Tyvärr blev det inga bilder tagna så ni får nöja er med en stämningsbild på Shira med matte!
Colliermans Fire N' Ice "Gordon" Excellent, 2 jkl m Ck opl bhkl
Kritik: Strong male, excellent bone, correct proportional head and body. Strong head with excellent expression. Correct front and topline. Excellent movement and coat. Very nice temperament!
Little Frogs Vigneto Eusiano "Grim" Excellent, opl i öppenklass
Kritik: Male of very good type. Excellent bone. Nice shape of head. Correct proportions. Typical expression. Excellent front. Topline could be cleaner. Correct angulations and movement. Nice coat, condition and temperament!
Little Frogs Valgrande Barbaresco "Lemmy" Excellent, opl i öppenklass
Kritik: Strong male. Well developed body and muscles. Nice masculine shape of head of correct proportions. Correct topline and front, nice typical movement. Excellent coat and temperament!
NORDUCH Engstaff Go Your Own Way "Basil" Excellent, 2 Chkl m Ck, opl bhkl
Kritik: Male of big size. Nice shape of head and proportions. Nice expression. Excellent front. Correct topline, a bit long in body but still compact and strong in movement. Excellent condition and temperatment!
Ghost Barbie Diabelski Usmiech "Basha" Excellent 2 jkl m Ck, opl btkl
Kritik: Female of good size. Medium strong bone. Correct head shape and expression. Correct earset, excellent front, topline could be cleaner. Very nice mover. Excellent coat and temperament!
Little Frogs Xia Shiraz "Shira" Excellent, opl i jkl
Kritik: 14 months, well developed for age. Strong bone, correct front, correct angulations. Moves well in nice condition. Nice coat and temperament!
Little Frogs Xia Shiraz "Shira" Excellent, opl i jkl
Kritik: 14 months, well developed for age. Strong bone, correct front, correct angulations. Moves well in nice condition. Nice coat and temperament!
Little Frogs Valduenza Extremadura "Gärda" Excellent, opl i öppenklass
Kritik: Good size. Nicely balanced, strong head of correct proportions. Correct topline. Well developed powerfull body. Nice movement. Excellent coat and temperament!
Kritik: Four dogs from the same father and out of two different combinations. Similar in head type as their father and balance and proportions of body. Excellent coat, nice typical movement. Excellent in temperament!!
Bästa avelsklass!
Kennel Little Frogs hade uppfödargrupp med Lemmy, Grim, Shira, Gärda
Kritik: 4 dogs from 2 different litter combinations.
Strong in body. Dtrong bone, strong heads of correct proportions. Nice typical expression. Correct built bodies in excellent condition. Nice typical movement. Excellent coat and condition. Nice temperament!
3:a uppf grupp med Hp!
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